Monday 18 November 2013

Crowdfunding to buy a vowel: Paperback review (advance print & play version)

After being away on a holiday with more beaches than boardgames, I'm getting back into the swing of things with a preview of a card game due for release in the next few months. The kickstarter for Paperback: A Novel Deckbuilding Game was funded a few months ago and is due to ship in January, and backers were provided with print & play files to get playing right away (a thoughtful addition, especially given Kickstarter projects deserved reputation for delays). Paperback is a word building game like Scrabble, but folded into a deckbuilder format like Dominion. Those two things might sound weirdly incompatible, but despite some hiccups Paperback manages to blend them more smoothly than might be expected. This version is lacking only the colour cards and art, the rules are the same as the forthcoming commercial version.